Monday, April 19, 2010

Boring but interesting.....

When will i kiss my dream???. 
Through out my life i wandered like an unlucky and aimless soul in the desert, which did not have thorns nor burn me with scorching heat.
 I was happy for those unobstructed path..... 
But now i cry for those obstacles, which would have helped me to take those minions and fly like a phoenix...
 I am yet another creature lamenting on its monotonous life...
 Mediocrity and averageness spoiled my jest to become a high flying successful eagle in the endless sky.

 Excuse me... I am not begging for your sympathies nor asking you to appreciate my honesty. I am warning you to take leap over that abyss, which would suck you to a damn world where you are just an unknown entity...

All these days i took a safe path rather than those unchosen ones. But now i repent and i can see Robert frost's soul smirking at me....
Whenever i do 'risk benefit analysis', i always end up in assuming that less risk,less benefit.
This thoughts will always haunt me whenever i meet a person in a better position, whom i could have been.
 It will be there in a painful corner of my heart forever. Even if i attain the zenith of success which i deserve, i would yearn for a better one. This is a human mind and thats why till now no scientist could measure its imagination.

But there is also a bit of happiness in this boring mediocrity and i have unknowingly enjoyed it for a long time. I am not justifying or giving a falsification to mask my inability. I am just informing you that there is also an unseen light in our dim moments. It depends on how we explore and find its luminescence more appealing. That is why people say 'contentment is a wealth'. To be precise " life is a labyrinthine where you end up either in a mess or find a bliss. It completely relies on which path you take and how you perceive the way..."

I may be a crazy donkey!!!! but truth is always a truth....

Nobody can question my philosophy...
Coz nobody sees my blog...

 Yes..... i am a middle class blogger...
unwatched...but free...hence i call myself a miserable scholar... 
he he he....

Thursday, April 15, 2010


There came a smile, not from the shades of old memories
 neither from a wicked trick nor from the worldly worries …
With thoughts flying high and imaginations growing wild,
Smile felt mighty and went for a feral ride.
It was not created by an intention or a happy occasion
Though accidental but original, it danced at that little celebration. 
 It was one man show in no man’s sphere.
Slowly smile faded and vanished to nowhere.
Grazing through the frets of that world and hoping for a blissful time,
those eyes rambled in that meaningless mime.
 When his vision got out of that wonder filled treasure,
 I saw myself, staring at a mirror…