Tuesday, November 17, 2009

poor soul...

Days were many and good times were plenty,
Deserted from sorrows and the life was in high spirit,
Everybody ordained him with incredible merits..
Marked with Perilous games and audacious crimes
Still cajoled with mere admonishes..
Saw nothing but joy and happiness...
His Life's boat was sinking in tumultuous ocean
It took long time to realize those good days have vanished.
Now indignation spits and irreverence kicks..
He could see all his dreams getting ripped off..
Never knew life would take a steep turn..
He wandered dejected and perished..
Dangling mind cheated his heart..
Hopes have shattered and strengths have trembled,
Supports have cluttered and ambition got rambled..
Nothing remains as it was... He was lonely..
He steps up to kiss the death..
But the poor soul could not understand the truth…
That every day follows a night…

Go My king….

Go My king….
Raise from ashes and fly like dragon
There may be obstacles hanging and enemies waiting,
But nothing will stop you, so go my king.
Hundreds may oppose you and thousands may curse
All by your side may fall down and No one may stand with you
Your steps may ramble and sight may go dim,
Still you should be there like an invincible.
Adversaries may laugh and sycophants may stab
Careful king, believe no one in this ungrateful world
Sing with reliance and dance with confidence,
As victory is all yours, so go my king....
Path may be decorated with thorns and fire all around
Scorpion may bite and Snake may spit poison
Light may hide and Darkness may cover the path
Friends may turn away and brothers may frighten
All alone you should proceed to gain the crown, so go my king....
Power of an elephant and acumen of a panther
Ordained with infinite wisdom and blessings of god
Just remember no one can suppress you
And those against you will be under your feet.
lonely you will win, so go my king…....

my final journey

I rested in heaven And danced with friends
Bees came to kiss me and flowing winds..
My beauty decorated with rare wings and shades..
I was lonely attraction to throngs And many poured praises.
I bought fame, a worthless bubble.
I sat in a emperor’s throne and led ordained life,
Till I was dragged to eternal curse…
In that commotion, drops came to hug and keep me fresh.
Beauty cost my life, though both are mortals.
Still there was overwhelming smile,
Which I shared with many others in pile..
Our destination awaited us and we did the same.
Place was darkened by silence and he lied in the centre
Everyone had reason and the old lady too.
His soul was blessed and body had a great farewell
she had none but memories to console
There was nothing worse and her pain erupted with loud cry.
I was put beside that solider and made my final journey with tears and
This poem is about a flower which enjoyed wonderful life, till it was plucked and joined with others... It accompanies a solider on his final journey…


Reservation, one of the relevant topic,which has always made my dumb brain to think.
Reservation in India has favored millions of Indians to gain there daily bread.It has turned crucial and vital for that society where recognition of their identity was denied.
Reservation for women has played great role for feminine gender. It has become an elixir for them from deep rooted male dominant world.
This has contributed to the nation’s proliferation. It was needed for many tribes who were considered untouchables.
All governments which came to rule india has always supported reservation, considering not the welfare of the people, but just for the sake of votes. Since the population of india constitutes mainly of people who were supposed to be backward and without their support its not possible to rule and suck money from them, these demagogues used it as a weapon rather than a tool (Not all poiliticians..). Post independent india saw raise of voices for their fundamental rights.
Increase in reservation for particular category has instigated hopes and ambition among young minds so that they can also touch their dream.
As every coin has two sides…
reservation has bit of negative effect too.
Most of them knows about it but they are not ready to accept the fact as it is favorable for them.
Reservation in Colleges and Research institutes, which are regarded as pride of our nation, will bring stain to its reputation.
Since decades have passed after its introduction, reservation has started spitting its toxin.
Higher authorities in Government organization has started to show nepotism to their community members. Some facilities which were provided to every Indians, has been stipulated to their caste people. To acquire their individual rights, people embraced corruption.
These days it has been sole aim of many government employees to get white collared money.So they consider giving money for government job as a capital investment. The legendary scholar Dr. Ambedkar who framed Indian constitution, introduced reservation to give equal rights for all Indians and to see india become a developed nation.But few self conceited person spoiled all those reforms.
Few centuries back Forward caste people ruled innocent backward caste. Only former were given at most privilege in society.
Harassment and havoc thrown on these innocents were inexplicable.
But now its time for pay back..
Tit for tat..
Now forward caste is vanishing( perfect instance of glory to ashes). Many so called aristocrats are changing their caste to be beneficiary of government allowances.
It is pathetic and horrible to see religion dangling in the midst of war for existence.
FC are purposefully given a blow…this is evident from one simple fact that they don’t have reservation.
Among all other damned communities in India they turned to be odd man out.
Now few learned philanthrophist feel that reservation should be based on financial status. But they dont understand India's development...esp. in producing fake financial certificate with required authorization .
Hence government felt that “known devil is better than unknown angel”.


Ordained as a great Spartan,
Distinguished from minions that are rotten
Fret is something he hates to core
That makes life-forces a sour.
Though vilified of many malicious crime
Vindicated from the false call of vulpine
Nothing makes his head bow
except the powerful weapon love
Benevolence being his Armour
And heart adorned with flower
Revolution recognize his eternity
which is the hallmark covering all his dirty
His enemies knew their disaster’s premonition
Damned to eternal perdition
God being his only master
Adversaries consider him hypocritical boaster
All wretched behind his vulnerable
Which he finds their miserable
Till his last breath he will be invincible
World offered him true veneration
That reverence which is better than sanctimonious beatification
Consecrated as consummate without fear..
He closed his eyes with throngs to shed tears…”
……His internal beauty is eternal………
……Tribute to Dr. Che Guevara ma hero…..

My project evaluation....

My post project evaluation …. All our group members were eagerly waiting to get screwed up by ENR staff. This project was filled with air of lethargies , as we are in extended training. Still 5 heroes of our group tried our level best to finish the project.
After waiting for fifteen minutes we saw a elegant scholar coming towards our group. Group ** was honoured as one of the worst group in our class. It was a compendium of fools. None of its members knows anything about Mainframe.
This man had in-depth knowledge in Cobol ,cics and db2. I felt myself like a little David sitting before mighty goliath. He started his evaluation with a girl.
His technically sound questions to her were ridiculously funny for other guys. I saw fully faltoo smile on their face. Five heroes of our group were YSACK, G-NO-J, G-G-IN, SAN-D and last but not least DON(huh… me) . He asked many question which seemed to be related to MainFame. Then after one hour of interrogation to that girl he gave 9 marks.
Then my chance to rock the show came . I displayed maps and codlings. I was bit confident, as many brilliant minds helped me to frame this module. But when he started to ask , I was wonderstruck. I couldnot judge the area he was asking. Worst part of my presentation…. Explaining the codes… I saw a black hole and heard a long beep sound . Though I acted as if I knew everything, my code, which was supposed to be written by me was in Greek and Latin. I just told the meaning of English word present in that black screen. He looked at me as if he was staring at a stray dog(oops yuck… no comments).
He asked few questions for which I guessed some answers and told 50% of what I thought for sake of not getting slapped. All credit goes to study materials and retest I did. Luckily I could not see my marks.
SAN-D was waiting to boast his talents before him. Previous day he was in the class with his project till night 3 o clock (oh sorry… morning 3 o’clock). He was given DBA post. He was all set to explain his coding . He was staring at that screen and his gesture told us that he was seeing the code for the first time.(Don ask me what he was doing last night ). Sir gave him 15 mins to study and explain it. For a poor soul who could not understand anything after many hours of effort , what this 15 mins is gonna do. He could hardly explain few lines. He was expected to execute his module and apparently it din work. With that my hopes of getting pass mark shattered.
Then came G-G-IN’s chance to impress the examiner with his codes. After examining three students his expectation came down and this time he just asked G-G-IN to explain his code. But this guy is king of all bluff masters. He started talking something,which was new to us as well as to our sir. G-G-IN had some answers for all his questions. That instigated a hope in my mind.
In order to avoid his knowledge being spoiled and confused. Sir requested to G-G-IN to stop blabbering about the module.
Then G-NO-J and Y-SACK was told to explain their part. G-NO-J tried to run a code, which was not completed. He tried for 10 minutes and there was binding errors. Fortunately our server MOCHA saved him from a disaster. It was not working so he was told to explain his coding. He started with things which were new to him. May be his impromptu skills helped him . Mean while Y-SACK whom we thought would do this entire project for us, was laughing at G-NO-J.
Sir demanded Y-SACK to explain his module simultaneously. But there I saw a remarkable instance of honesty… He accepted that he got a template and modified it for project. Sir gave lots of chances to prove our self. But our effort was in vain.
There was no chance of sun rising in the west and our group getting pass mark. Still we were expecting pass marks as other groups who were in same situations got B+ grade. After 4hours of this damned Project evaluation, our group was given incredibly brilliant score. 34 out of 100. Not even C its D.
For sitting more than four hours we should be given at least C grade.
Its ok hopefully we will get A in next project. We have started doing project from the first day itself(...hmm..).
Still that four hour evaluation was too much….

Death kissed him twice....

On that gloomy Friday, he was lying in the bed and staring at the crowd. People in Tokyo were recovering from a morbid catastrophe. His bed was last one in the room, which was filled with blood. For past three days it heard only cry of innocent victims. It was 1945, when Americans demonstrated their power to Japan by dropping the most deadly invention of science. Whole world thought that Japan was pushed to perdition. It would be this incident which made japan realize their greatest mistake. Many victims were crying to get killed as they cannot see them selves as a handicapped.
Jim had a fade memory of what had happened to him. When he turned to his left, he saw his camera that was rapped. There was a note which said “Will meet you tonight. With love Sharon”.
It took few minutes to remember the face of Sharon. Suddenly his eyes closed. Sedation of Penicillin was working. There was still commotion among the patients who lost their loved ones.
He opened his eyes and saw the lovely face of Sharon. After a long time he was seeing a face that did not have the marks of destruction. He remembered his first meeting with Sharon. It was at Oxford University when Jim was called to attend a seminar on Atomic Physics. Jim was allotted a seat next to lady from Lakeshore who was a delegate from Manchester University. Sharon was told to replace that lady. At the first glance she impressed him with her elite behavior. Their introduction was very formal. After a soporophic lectures by many scientists they both left the university. Jim requested for her company to a coffee shop. From that day their love bloomed.
Jim’s love for photography reached its peak when he got some rare pictures of Einstein. This made him to take photography as his profession. It was one of the reasons because of why he was lying. One week before Jim came to Japan to capture the japan’s development in military. His visit to Japan also had another purpose hidden. It was to meet his first love Sharon. She was working as a junior research analyst in a leading Automobile company.
He went to meet her in Tokyo and spent wonderful two days. Sharon was meeting him after a year. Her eyes were filled with tears as she hugged her lost love. Jim was to be in Japan for one month. On third day he went to Hiroshima, to study about Japan’s advent into the trading with south East Asian countries. His research on his study was on its high when American’s pierced the island to leave a permanent mark. He was far away from the epicenter still he could not avoid the kiss of death.
Luckily he survived it.
Jim’s knee cap and elbow was thoroughly damage. So it has to be operated. Sharon was with him and has made all the necessary arrangements. Before his surgery he got a telegram from london. It said “ Jim where are you. Hope u r fine. Reply immediately. – Anne ”. Jim was shocked. He got a message from a girl whom he thought was dead many years before. Jim was experiencing heavy pain in his heart, which hurt more than his knees and elbows. It was for this girl he left Sharon two years back. It was her love which dragged him away from Sharon. As Jim was taken to operation theatre only one thing was lingering in his mind. It was Anne. In the unconscious world of darkness he was remembering about Anne.
He met her for the first time in France. Her Father was general in French army. Jim met him at national museum. He was impressed by Jim and called him for a dinner. It was there Jim spoke to Anne for the first time. She was interested in photography and this passion pulled her towards Jim.. Anne’s elegance caught Jim and this flamboyance made him to opt a job in France. He avoided Sharon for Anne. In the meanwhile Sharon’s got a call from MIT for a secret project under American army. Jim let her go from his life, keeping Anne in mind. Anne’s father was killed in a battle where French army faced defeat from Russia. Anne was left alone. Sympathies turned into love. Jim stayed with her for several months in her house. Jim was interested in writing an article about American’s support for Britain. He left for Pearl Harbor where American army was stationed. He did not knew the danger waiting for him in America. Japanese flooded bombs on American navy base and death kissed him. He was hospitalized and it took two months for him to recover from physical illness and the trauma. His existence was not known to anyone including Sharon and his lady love Anne. After 6 months he went back to France in search of Anne, just to find that Anne was killed by Russians. There was no trace about her. He was depressed and went back to London. After two years he took his Passion for Photography and started writing many articles. On the other hand Sharon was searching Jim. She could not find him anywhere. After three years she learned that he was working for a Press. She came back from America for him. It was her love and affection which took Jim back to his normal world.
Jim was wandering in his unconscious world seeking for help. He had options which were filled with pain of departing from his love. It was very difficult to take decision. He would rather prefer death. Sometime its better to accept kiss of death than the pain from love.
P.S: ppl pls forgive me for this..I din know what to do during DB2...so i came up with a dumb story..


I have faint memories of few politicians who made a great impact in history....
While loitering around the cubicle, suddenly this jobless mind started thinking about Mikhail Gorbachev president of Russia (1981-89..i guess), the man who was supposed to be the sole reason of Russia’s division.
But few regarded him as a great leader who prevented world war III- My sincere salutations to him.
According to them, Gorbachev wanted to democratize Russia and create a stable economy. But to incorporate democracy in a land which was previously ruled by staunch chauvinist like Stalin, was a herculean task.
Cold war between USA and Russia was on its high. Many nations predicted World War III. It was Gorbachev who was successful in reducing the tension by staining his image. For a nation which has already lost millions under Stalin, another war would make it no where in the globe.
Apart from that, unprecedented pressure from America which was successful in deteriorating the economy of its only opponent of cold war, by continuously posing indirect threats. America’s mamooth financial support to Zia ul huk (prime minister of Pakistan at that time) who later helped Afghanistan with the same, cannot be forgotten. Defeat of Russia in afghan war was later quoted in history as “Russia’s Vietnam War”. Ex president of America Mr. Ronald Regan, the man who single handedly provoked Russia to do all unholy things which laid basement to its own distruction.
The Cuban missile crisis made America to invest 7% of its GDP in military. This instigated Russia to invest 27% of its GDP there by berating its economy.
The curse of many Russian economists would have left Regan suffer with Alzheimer’s disease over a decade, who later died because of that.
Michail Gorbachev’s reforms faced a utter faiure, not because of his inability but because of Russia’s economy which was falling into an abyss. Gorbachev was thrown out by “August-march”. Boris yelstin used it to grab the power. He also wanted a liberal democracy in Russia. But in a place which was pride of communism, “Democracy ” was a filthy word.
Gorbachev’s was a great leader at right place but at worng time.
However its been an unanswered question for long time. If there was only one reason,then what could be that for Russia’s division.
1. USA –for its indirect role in destabilizing Russia
2. Afghan war, which created a phantom that later spoiled its confidence.
3. Communism - As its old conventional manifesto failed to impress the new era favoured by globalization
4. or Russia it self .
Belated birthday wishes to Mikhail Kalashnikova – creator of Avtomatic Kalashnikov (AK 47)


“Sangam" decorated my unblemished college days with wonderful moments. I am not talking about any personality or ideology.
This is about a group of courageous, audacious and handsome lads (all self proclaimed...none given by opposite sex) who attained austerity to its heights during their bachelor life.
These men would have extended olive branches towards girls and got a grotesque stare in return. Guys usually join this group after hell lot of attempts to get soft corners in girl’s heart, obviously demolishing their character.
There are other kinds of guys who remain tight-lipped or don’t open up their ideas when girls are around, with the fear of their image getting spoiled. They are exceptions. This group which nurtured remarkably brilliant minds, had a name in my college…and that’s SANGAM (In Tamil it means a GROUP)..
I entered “Sangam” as result of the above mentioned annoyance. Most (at least few) of the boys or men or dads or even grandpas would identify themselves as a member of this group . A Sangamite would call himself a carefree stud who don’t roam behind girls like other indecent Casanovas. Is it because of the celibacy he practices?? No…Not for sure, it is because of his inability to attract or befriend girls (not necessarily hot chicks).
Right from the first year of college I ve unknowingly and unluckily became an active member of SANGAM. Though it was really awful to be a sangamite before girls, it would give indispensable pride among boys.
At that point of life we were showered with many unruly scathed scolding from feminine gender. That was not taken as a brick bat, but as an honor, blessing and praise. Girls (not all) treated Sangamites like stray dogs. Initially it was really difficult to survive in college being a Sangam member but later it became very interesting.
Fame of Sangam reached it zenith when guys who were not as pathetic as sangamite and those with playboy kind of attitude, started joining this group. Credits go to those warriors who were successful in bringing such indomitable image to Sangam (which includes me).
People consider it as a curse, but I would rather put it as blessing in disguise. Now I can control myself unlike many other boys who go beyond friendship with girls, which later bring hard feelings among them. You can’t blame them; it might have happened due to misconceptions.
When the relationship gets a sting, it will stink forever…
Sangam was one of the precious things which I miss from my past. Each and every college of Tamil nadu inculcated a group of comrades who resembled Sangam. (I cant include other states as I don’t know much about them).
Though Sangam members would have missed few good friendships with girls during their college life, they would have certainly gained some fun filled memories which will linger in their heart until they lose their mental stability (due to ageing or schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s disease …).
Cheers to those who find a little resemblance with their history, while reading this...
"There is nothing wrong if people ridicule you once… but there is definitely something wrong if u let them do it again…" ( claps claps...... )

Its him... the GOD..

His head was shaking to the music. He always loved listening to his MP3 player.Though got it as a gift from his parents, it had become a part of his soul.He had a happy family and a respectable job. Week end parties, jovial outing with friends and quality time with family members- Life was at its best. He always thanked god for what he had in life. Being one of the most successful young men in office, the fame preceded all his venture.
On that day he took a stroll from office after winding up all his work. The panoramic view of lake was incredible. He was flying in his subconscious world and was oblivious to worldly sorrow. Every step he kept was filled with joy and excitement about the week end. Those drizzling drops kissed him, breeze hugged him and he too reciprocated it with smile. Old man of Tea shop gave him a warm
welcome and he thanked with a greeting. That cup of tea instigated college day memories within him. Good old thoughts were lingering in his mind. This evening was special to him, as he had a date with his
girlfriend. He was walking in that neglected road, listening to music. Unaware of his surrounding he was moving to the beats. He made a sudden turn to cross the road and a vehicle passed by. Even now he was
shaking his head but not to the music but with pain. Blood flooded his body. Nobody was there to help him. His music player was still playing. After couple of minutes his soul bid farewell to his body...
********* Anna feels sad about this accident*********
Enna Rascola...Anna (Rajini Kanth) Here ....
Rajini kanth runs faster than light, back in fourth dimension, using H.G Well's Time machine priciple...But his mass didnot scales up to infinity........
**** ( E=mc2 closes its eyes... and Einstein's soul is wondering..)****
(Back in time): : Now Rajini Kanth lands before that gentleman listening to iPod.. He sees a lorry coming at a speed of 80 Km/ hr towards him.. So he runs at a speed of 150 km/hr (with relative velocity being
230 km/hr)... He uses this momentum in opposite direction and pushes vehicle so that its speed becomes 100 km/hr. Lorry passed by before the gentleman was about to turn. While moving with the lorry,
Rajinikant slaps him and tells.....
Mind it.!!!! Thishkaaww Thishkaaww....(Background score)
The genlteman feels bad for his mistake and says sorry to Rajinikanth....
But light travels faster than sound and Rajinikanth is already in futre...
Now Anna is happy
Einstein's soul publishes an erratica :::::: It says
" All my thoeries are not applicable to invincible Rajinikanth...He is GOD..."
Thalaivar Rajinikanth Valzhga!!!!!!(Jai ho...)
**********Happy Endings*********

There she stands…

There she stands…
Nobody saw her patients when she lent her soul,
Nobody realized that she was gold with no foul.
Her love was pure, still invisible and forbidden
For whom she laid her life in mayhem…
Days were many, which she wasted for their goodness,
But nothing came to their filthy mind, not even those sacrifices.
Almighty’s eyes drained to see his creation,
He feels light before his mighty incarnation.
In this ungrateful world they dont respects her,
Nor give her a glance by chance ….
Her blessed care and divine love was forgotten
Yet her heart glows in that body which got rotten…
She wanders helpless, still praying for her children,
But they look that goddess as a burden.
There she stands under the tree, with lots of pain
Even nature can’t see those tears in that rain.
PS: These lines describes a mother who did everything for her children but later gets deserted by them. Still she wishes good for them..There is nothing greater than a 'Mother'

Techies’ day out..

Techies’ day out..
It was Saturday night Oct 10 2009...7:10 PM to be more precise with time.
“Yoboy” enters our T.T. villa..(Troublesome Techies villa). Yoboy always brings surprise. He entered with an anticipation of warm welcome. But nobody gave a damn about him. Few guys were busy with their laptop chatting with their good old friends (may be Gal friends…) . Yoboy gathered all Font sizepeople in a room. This meeting was intended to promote their secret interest.
Yoboy: Guys how about an outing???
Other: yaaaww..(Least bothered..)
Yoboy: Anybody for Hookah?
Few : We can think about that!!!
Yoboy: Boozing??
Everybody: I M GAME!!!…
Yoboy: Great!!!…I m luvin it.. So pub or bar??
G-G-IN : Pub...tat too on Saturday???
..It’s meant for guys with girlfrnds…
Yoboy : Point noted..Bar??
U-BAN : (cough cough)...any place where I can get adulterated water… (cough cough)
Einstein’s Donkey : Lets go to a place which serves hookah and cocktail.. That’s near mocha…
Yoboy : Ok brothers… then lets hit the road..
Einstein’s Donkey : With wat??
Yoboy: ahem..I mean...We will go in my car..
Voice from heaven: ohhh…
Everybody set to meet their destiny of that night….
Inside car:::::: trannnnn trannnn dannn daaaamn daaamn..
(few trans- psychos listening to some DJ’s crap)..
Yoboy : (driving..)
Nash : (Shaking his head..)
G-G-IN : (Shakings his hand )
U- BAN : (Coughing..)
Einstein’s Donkey: yuck..Noise… God save me!!!!…
After one hour of ride…
Yoboy : I think my car gotta some problem…
G-G-IN :Tell something new..
Yoboy : Guys..It’s not pulling..
Others : Listening to Trannnn trannnn daaannn daaam…
Suddenly noise stops…
Einstein’s Donkey : Praise the lord…
Yoboy : Bros.. we r ****ed up..
U_BAN :cough cough.. I think this must be due to the incomplete combustion of fuel carrying some impurity which might have hindered the power of vehicle######....(Boasting wat he learnt in Mechanical Engineering)
Yoboy : Car Battery is down.. so push..
Others : **** this car…
Car : vrammm…. vruuuum …vroooom…
Einstein’s Donkey : Praise the lord…
After some time It stopped…
Yoboy: Thankfully we have reached the place…
Others: Run Run... I need the elixir…
Finally everybody settled…
Einstein’s Donkey : One Pan masala sheesha and lemon-lime sheesha…Please make it quick...
Ordered and started the ceremonious celebration with the blessings of god….
After 10 mins Nash was completely done…
Nash : My god why did I come hereeeeeee… I told u guys to take me some where elssssss… blah blah…
I don’t like thissssssss…..
After One hour..
G-G-IN : Anybody for Havana stuff???
No Response....
UBAN : cough cough..
Nash : Why our life is like thissssss… I want a changeeeee…blaaaaaahhh…
Yoboy was silently dreaming about some very close friend.. The ambience was filled with smoke from hookah… Perfect surroundings for a duet song..
Served Food : Idiots…pls finish me…
UBAN: Waiter bill please… cough cough..
Eistein’s Donkey : “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”…Takes three more puffs..
Bill settled..Waiter is smiling… Troublesome Techies are smiling…Waiter is again smiling..Finally UBAN gives 50Rs..
Now Everybody were smiling..Happy Ending..
Yoboy : Come one guys..push the car..
Car : Vraaam vruum vroom..
U BAN :Ok lets go…
Next minute car stopped. Guys got down and pushed.
Car : vraaam vraaam daaam…I can’t..
Eistein’s Donkey : God kill me…
Funniest part : Time was 12.15 AM.
UBAN : (Calls somebody)..cough cough..speaks something…
Others were drooling..
For another 2 hours T T were standing in a deserted road of Chennai which will spare not even a centimeter for passengers at day time… Couple of workers were sitting near a petty shop…
Yoboy : Lets take a taxi back to TT villa..
Nash : he he.. he he.. Whose idea was this…I mean this place…
Einstein’s Donkey : Yes..We should kill him..(escaped)..
UBAN : Still coughing and talking to somebody..
After damned 3 hours one mechanic comes. He pulls some wires and did all to show that he was a car mechanic..
Mechanic: Sir.. I think alternator is not working.. Its better if you leave this car in my shed tonight.
Others: What is this Alternator??????
Eistein’s Donkey: Great idea..God bless you..
Mechanic : I will arrange for a recovery vehicle that will take this car to our shed. You need to pay 500 for Recovery vehicle, 500 for night service and I ll arrange a taxi for your return which will cost 800Rs..
Yoboy : (Eyes opened..eye balls were rolling in the street..) ..
G-G-IN : How about taking train. If we wait for another 3 hours and walk to railway station we may get a train.
Eistein’s Donkey : We are Techies dude..lets take that cab…
Nash : Yes!!!!We are troublesome techies..
TT took that cab and reached TT Villa at 3.30 AM…
UBAN was thanked for his role…
Everybody had a great day…
Guys said gudmorning to eachother and went to sleep…

Einstein’s Donkey getting crazy…....

Einstein’s Donkey getting crazy…....
These days my mind has become insane and started thinking about things which will be inexplicably monstrous...
My idle mind (which literally means that I don’t have any job these days) has started thinking about different dimension of world and existence of extraterrestrial life or something of that kind.
Is there any chance of existence of virtual world just like ours in this universe and there our earth will be a virtual concept and some techie or a jobless soul of that world would be writing a blog or creating any evidence to portray life of that world?
Since this universe originated from a highly dense nucleus (referring to big bang) and to maintain the mass, new objects are being created in it.
Creation of new mass to maintain density has been attributed to demonstrate the fact that the universe is expanding.
And if living animals are created in earth as a part of that, same can happen at other end of universe.
As an equilibrium was and is maintained right from big bang to present time, if life can exist in earth, there should be some planet or space which should nurture some kind of living things.
This is also supported by Panspermia hypothesis which states that life in earth is result of microspores that were carried by some asteriods.
As it is very much evident from global warming, that this world will see a great havoc due to human's unholy behavior to nature and earth, which will put an end to life in earth, Should humans become successful in communicating with things of their kind??
Now a different question arises. Why things or life at the other end don’t try to discover us.
Is it because we are too complicated for them to understand or we are underdeveloped...
just like how we behave with dogs or lizard???
My friend(a Chemical Engineer) told me that Thermodynamics is GOD. I never understood his theory. He was so obsessed with his theory that when Once he broke his hand while walking over lawn, he said
“There was some imbalance with energy transfer in this cosmos and thats why my hand broke”.
People say "Looks are deceptive".
Do they really mean this?
Is there any possibility of, what we see is not seen exactly by others. There may be different observation send by eyes to brain. This reception maynot be same for everyone...
Now few questions strike me...
Should I leave some evidence to that soul of virtual world, so that he or it will understand that even I thought about it or him?
Should I send some signal so that they will understand that human will remain for atmost 2 or 3 centuries and if they wanna visit us, let them please do it quickly?
Should I preserve a Bottle of fermented WINE so that my grandson can sell it at 2090 saying 81 yrs preserved? I wish my grandfather had done this..
Should I(Einstein's Donkey) tell my master (Einstein) that he had failed to produce answers for many questions?...