Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I have faint memories of few politicians who made a great impact in history....
While loitering around the cubicle, suddenly this jobless mind started thinking about Mikhail Gorbachev president of Russia (1981-89..i guess), the man who was supposed to be the sole reason of Russia’s division.
But few regarded him as a great leader who prevented world war III- My sincere salutations to him.
According to them, Gorbachev wanted to democratize Russia and create a stable economy. But to incorporate democracy in a land which was previously ruled by staunch chauvinist like Stalin, was a herculean task.
Cold war between USA and Russia was on its high. Many nations predicted World War III. It was Gorbachev who was successful in reducing the tension by staining his image. For a nation which has already lost millions under Stalin, another war would make it no where in the globe.
Apart from that, unprecedented pressure from America which was successful in deteriorating the economy of its only opponent of cold war, by continuously posing indirect threats. America’s mamooth financial support to Zia ul huk (prime minister of Pakistan at that time) who later helped Afghanistan with the same, cannot be forgotten. Defeat of Russia in afghan war was later quoted in history as “Russia’s Vietnam War”. Ex president of America Mr. Ronald Regan, the man who single handedly provoked Russia to do all unholy things which laid basement to its own distruction.
The Cuban missile crisis made America to invest 7% of its GDP in military. This instigated Russia to invest 27% of its GDP there by berating its economy.
The curse of many Russian economists would have left Regan suffer with Alzheimer’s disease over a decade, who later died because of that.
Michail Gorbachev’s reforms faced a utter faiure, not because of his inability but because of Russia’s economy which was falling into an abyss. Gorbachev was thrown out by “August-march”. Boris yelstin used it to grab the power. He also wanted a liberal democracy in Russia. But in a place which was pride of communism, “Democracy ” was a filthy word.
Gorbachev’s was a great leader at right place but at worng time.
However its been an unanswered question for long time. If there was only one reason,then what could be that for Russia’s division.
1. USA –for its indirect role in destabilizing Russia
2. Afghan war, which created a phantom that later spoiled its confidence.
3. Communism - As its old conventional manifesto failed to impress the new era favoured by globalization
4. or Russia it self .
Belated birthday wishes to Mikhail Kalashnikova – creator of Avtomatic Kalashnikov (AK 47)

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